
Published on

July 7, 2023


Oasis Ecommerce Store


Oasis Ecommerce Store is a microservices project that is built using Spring Boot and Java. It is a simple ecommerce store that allows users to create accounts, add items to their cart, and checkout. The project is built using a microservices architecture and uses the following technologies:

  • Spring Boot
  • Spring Data
  • Spring Security


The project is built using a microservices architecture. The following diagram shows the architecture of the project:



The project is built using the following services:

  • Account Service: This service is responsible for creating accounts and authenticating users.
  • Cart Service: This service is responsible for adding items to the cart and checking out.
  • Item Service: This service is responsible for adding items to the store.
  • Order Service: This service is responsible for creating orders and updating the order status.
# projects# spring boot# ecommerce# java

This post was updated on

July 7, 2023.

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